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Creating custom reports

Perform analysis across a wide variety of scenarios

Updated over 11 months ago

Neara's flexible and powerful report system enables you to perform analysis across a wide variety of scenarios.

Common reports include:

  • Pole / Conductor / Beam / Insulator / Kingbolt reports

  • Finite Element Analysis (FEA) reports

  • Clearance reports

  • and more

In this article, you will learn how to create and configure custom reports to analyze, visualize, and export data related to your network.

You can also base a new report on a Neara preset report - see Preset Reports

Create a custom report

Click (+) button at the right hand end of the tabs in any section of the Workspace, and select Create Custom Report under the New Reports section in the popup:

In this example we'll create a Stay/Guy report. Click the Choose datasource for custom report input box and either type or select Poles > Stays from the dropdown menu. Give your report a name and click Create:

Your report will appear as a new tab in your workspace. Reports are displayed in a tabular format:

Alternatively, you can create a custom report by clicking the (+) button at the right hand end of the tabs in any section of the Workspace, and select Report Manager under the Tools section in the popup. A Report Manager panel will appear where you can click New custom report in the left-hand side of the panel to create a custom report.

Explore more:

Visualize data in reports

Neara reports are integrated with the network model displayed in the Perspective and Profile views in the workspace.

You can selectively show or hide data from the report's table in those views by clicking the eye icon in the column header:

Export report data

You can export a report's data in a variety of formats. See Export data from a report

Advanced features

Custom reports allow you to dive deep into the Neara model to extract key information.

For example consider this simple span report where there are two spans in the model. Click on the settings icon to reveal the Report settings:

This shows that the report is using spans:

Click on the second box next to spans - it displays more options to explore in the Neara model related to spans. In this case there are two options: Environments and PointCloudClearances:

Select Environments and click the Close icon:

Now in the report, each span has calculated data for each environment, such as the conductor tension:

Using formulas in Reports

Neara Reports also support creating powerful, complex formulas that operate inside table cells. You can use formulas in reports to:

  • Performs calculations and display results

  • Conducts comparisons and return a string (pass or fail for example)

  • Creating a new property of an object such as a pole or conductor

  • Generate visualizations that appear on the Perspective, Profile, Plan, Analytics Maps, and other views

  • Generate unique in-cell content like hyperlinks, icons, and even progress bars

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