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Overview of Underground tools
Updated over 11 months ago

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Trench tool

The Trench tool on the toolbar enables you to place trenches through your design that will guide your underground cables:

Click on the Trench tool in the toolbar. In the Perspective view your cursor will change to a red square to indicate you will place trench waypoints. Left-click to start the trench, and continue to click to place waypoints for bends, corners, or the trench endpoint. Right-click end the current trench:

Set the default trench cross-section type in the Properties panel in the sidebar before you start creating a new trench:

Trench Waypoint tool

The Trench Waypoint tool on the toolbar places additional waypoints along an existing trench, allow you to further refine a trench's route, depth, or turn radius:

Left-click at any point along an existing trench to place additional trench waypoints. Right-click to stop using the tool:

Move a waypoint

To move a waypoint you have created, either:

  • With the Trench Waypoint tool selected on the toolbar, left-click on the waypoint and drag it; or

  • With the Move & Select tool selected on the toolbar, left-click on the waypoint and drag it

If you select a waypoint using the Move & Select tool on the toolbar, the Properties panel in the sidebar displays detailed, configurable parameters for the waypoint:

  • X, Y coordinates

  • Vertical Waypoint (override) and Ground Offset (m)

  • Radius Override and Turn Radius (m)

Delete a waypoint


  • Select the Move & Select tool on the toolbar, select a waypoint, and press DELETE

  • Select the Waypoint tool on the toolbar, and while holding SHIFT down, click a waypoint

Trench Section tool

The Trench Section tool on the toolbar enables you to add, or override, a section within a trench:

Create a section

Click the Trench Section tool and left-click once on a location on an existing trench to set the section start point. Hover your mouse along the trench, and left-click again to set the section endpoint.

The section will be marked with section start and end waypoints (blue crosses):

Change a section's Cross Section type

The Cross Section type for a trench section can be set in the Properties panel in the sidebar.

Select the Move & Select tool on the toolbar, hover over and click the blue-cross start or endpoint of a section (don't click the main trench), and in the Properties panel select a different type for that section:

Create and modify Cross Section types

Cross sections can be created and modified by selecting the Library menu > Trench Cross Sections:

Delete a cross section

Select the Move & Select tool on the toolbar, select a cross-section (click on the blue-cross of a start or endpoint), and press DELETE.

Pillar tool

The Pillar tool on the toolbar allows you to place pillars in your model which can be used to terminate underground cables and connect service points:

Place pillars

Select the Pillar tool on the toolbar, and set the Pillar type in the Properties panel in the sidebar:

Left-click on an existing trench to place a pillars. Continue left-clicking to place multiple pillars on the trench. Right-click to stop placing pillars:

Tip: Hold down the CTRL/CONTROL key to avoid snapping to trenches.

Customize a pillar

Select the Move & Select tool on the toolbar, and then click a pillar to view and customize its parameters in the Properties panel in the sidebar:

Remove a pillar


  • Select the Move & Select tool on the toolbar, select a pillar, and press DELETE

  • Select the Pillar tool on the toolbar, and while holding SHIFT down, click a pillar

Substation tool

The Substation tool on the toolbar allows you to place substations in your model that can be used to terminate underground cables and provide a voltage source for voltage drop calculations:

Place substations

Select the Substation tool on the toolbar, set the default Substation Type and Orientation in the Properties panel in the sidebar.

Left-click in your design to place substations. Right-click to stop placing substations:

Customize a substation

Select the Move & Select tool on the toolbar, and then click a substation to view and customize its parameters in the Properties panel in the sidebar:

Delete a substation

Select the Move & Select tool on the toolbar, select the substation, and press DELETE.

Underground Cable tool

The Underground Cable tool on the toolbar allows you to connect cables between underground nodes such as pillars, substations, and UGOHs on poles:

Route cables

To route cables, select the Underground Cable tool on the toolbar, and set the default cable type and voltage in the Properties panel in the sidebar.

Left-click a node (substation, pillar, or pole) to start the cable and trace over trenches for the desired route. You might be prompted for a connection point depending on the node.

You'll notice that the Trench Section table automatically updates as you route the cable. Left-click on another node to terminate the cable.

Right-click to stop using the Underground Cable tool:

Customize an underground cable

Select the Move & Select tool on the toolbar, and then click an underground cable to view and customize its parameters in the Properties panel in the sidebar:

Click on a cable to cut the cable and add in a pillar, a joint or leave the ends dangling

Click on a cable to re-lay it, detaching it from the closest endpoint

Click on a joint to remove the joint and re-join the cable ends

Service Point tool

The Service Point tool on the toolbar allows you to place loads on pillars for service drop calculations:

Adding service points

Select the Service point tool on the toolbar, and set the Service point type and Phase in the Properties panel in the sidebar:

Left-click on a pillar to attach the load, and click again at the customer's connection point. Repeat for all services in design. Right-click to stop using the Service point tool:

Hold down the CTRL/CONTROL key to avoid snapping to existing objects

Additional service point types can be created within the ElectricalLoadTypes report.

Configure Service Points

Select the Move & Select tool on the toolbar, and then click an existing service point to view and modify its configuration in the Properties panel in the sidebar:

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