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The Resultant Forces Graph
Updated over 11 months ago

The Resultant Forces Graph is a lotus plot with the following features:

1. Pole

The pole is represented by a solid circle at the center of the graph.

2. Conductor

Conductor spans are represented by long straight continuous lines from center of pole to edge of graph.

3. Stay

Where applicable, stays are represented by short straight continuous lines from center of pole.

4. Wind Direction

The wind direction is the the direction that the wind is coming from.

When mouse hovers inside the Resultant Forces Graph, wind direction is represented by a large arrow on the outer edges of the graph. The wind direction arrow will follow the mouse around the pole. The effect of wind direction on pole can be traced over the Resultant Force Graph by hovering the mouse around the pole.

When mouse hovers outside the Resultant Forces Graph, wind direction is represented by a small arrow on the outer edges of the graph . The location of the wind direction arrow represents the wind angle that produces the maximum resultant force.

5. Resultant Force Graph

The resultant force graph is represented by a closed shape with a thick line around the pole. How to interpret this graph will depend on the (10) Plot Mode.

The colour of this graph will correspond with the environment ticked in the Overview Limit State Table

6. Resultant Force Direction

To interpret this graph, see (9) Plot Mode.

When mouse hovers inside the Resultant Forces Graph, the resultant force direction arrow will change as the (4) Wind Direction arrow changes around the pole.

When mouse hovers outside the Resultant Forces Graph, the location of the resultant force arrow will represents the maximum result force for the component.

7. Ultimate Limit State

This circle is the ultimate break load of the component. When both pole and stays are ticked, more than one circle will be shown, unless the ultimate break load happens to be the same, in which case they will overlap and appear as one circle.

8. Pole/Stay Calculated Working Strength

This is the calculated working strength of pole and stay. This will be colour coded as shown in the Overview Limit State Table

9. Wind Angle

When mouse hovers inside the Resultant Forces Graph, this value will be the angle of the (4) Wind Direction arrow as it moves around the pole.

When mouse hovers outside the Resultant Forces Graph, this value will be the angle of the (4) Wind Direction arrow for the maximum resultant force.

10. Plot Mode

Wind Direction

This mode displays Total Force in Detailed Forces Table against the (9) Wind Angle that created that force.

In this mode, the (6) Resultant Force Direction arrow will always follow the (9) Wind Angle direction arrow as it moves around the pole.

Power Lines Pro can also show just the component forces plots as well. See Plot of Force Components in Advanced Tip Load Features

Force Direction

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