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The Detailed Forces table
Updated over 11 months ago

1. Component Forces

When the mouse is not hovering over the Resultant Forces Graph, the component forces will be the the components that will create the maximum (or worst case) Total Force.

When the mouse is hovering over the Resultant Forces Graph, the component forces will be the display force components create by the specific wind direction shown by the (11)Wind Source.

In the case where a stay is present, the maximum pole forces shown will be the worst case on the pole when the stay is present. That is the scenario where the direction of wind that is in the same direction of the horizontal tension component of the stay. Therefore in this scenario the stay does not take any force, so Total excluding Stays and Total Force is the same.

Note that the scenario for worst case Stay Tension, will be different to worst case Total Force on pole, as shown by the Wind Source of each component.

Tension Conductor force in the axial direction along the conductor

Transverse Conductor force perpendicular to the conductor span due to wind

Pole Wind Wind load on pole

Total excluding stays Total tip load forces, excluding the influence of any stays. It is calculated from the vector addition of Tension, Transverse and Pole Wind forces.

Total Force Total tip load forces, including the influence of any stays (if any). It is calculated from the vector addition of Tension, Transverse, Pole Wind and Stay forces.

2. Base Forces

The calculated force loadings without factors applied.

3. Limit State Multiplier

Limit State factor multiplier, as per input in Environments.

4. Limit State Result

Final limit state value, which is (2) Base Forces x (3) Limit State Multiplier.

5. Force Angle

Angle of the resultant force in degrees. It is the angle component of the force vector.

6. Pole

Details of pole being examined. The pole details can be changed here by clicking on pole name.

7. Base Pole Strength

Ultimate breaking strength of the pole.

8. Working Strength of Pole

This is the (7) Base Pole Strength multiplied by the pole strength reduction factor as specified in Environments.

9. Pass/Fail State of Pole

PASS will be shown when (1)Total Force <= (8) Working Strength of Pole

FAIL will be shown in all other scenarios

10. Add Opposing Stay

Click this to add a stay directly in the opposite direction as the angle of the Total Forces

11. Wind Source

The direction of wind that has generated the values shown in the (1) Forces column.

Stay Force Details

12. Tip Load Component Force

When the mouse is not hovering over the Resultant Forces Graph, the component forces will be the the components that will create the maximum (or worst case) Stay Tension.

When the mouse is hovering over the Resultant Forces Graph, the component forces will be the display force components create by the specific wind direction shown by the (11)Wind Source.

Note that the scenario for worst case Stay Tension, will be different to worst case Total Force on pole, as shown by the Wind Source of each component.

Tipload This is the horizontal tipload in (1)Total Force excluding stays. It is the horizontal force required to be countered by the stay

Countered The horizontal tension on stay at pole top to counter the Tipload

At Stay Height The horizontal tension on stay at the attach height of stay

Stay Tension Tension on stay cable, along the axis of the stay

13. Base Stay Forces

The calculated force/tension loadings without factors applied.

14. Stay Tension Limit State Result

Tipload This will be the same Limit States Result of (1)Total Force excluding stays.

Countered The limit state result will be the same as Tipload as this is the derived force required to counter the tip load.

At Stay Height The horizontal tension on stay at the attach height of stay.

Stay Tension Tension on stay cable, along the axis of the stay.

15. Limit State of Stay

Limit state factor applied to the ultimate cable break load of stay.

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