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Model terrain override for poles

And control the display of ground line indicator boxes

Updated over 10 months ago

When a Pole is selected with the Move and Select tool on the toolbar, its coordinates are displayed in the Properties Panel.

There are four coordinates to each pole: X, Y, Z and G – with Z and G relating to the model terrain.

By default, the Z value is used to specify the pole base location as this is the same as the Z location of the model terrain at that given point.

However, it is possible to override this using the G value to make the pole use a point higher or lower than the model terrain with the following combination of Z and G values:

  • If neither is specified, then G = model terrain, Z = model terrain - sink depth (sink depth is a primary value)

  • If G is specified, Z = G - sink depth (sink depth is a primary value)

  • If Z is specified, G = model terrain, sink depth = G - Z (sink depth is derived)

  • If G and Z are specified, then sink depth = G - Z (sink depth is derived)

In this case, “specified” means that the checkbox is unticked and the value is manually entered, rather than derived from the ground or terrain

Ground line indicator boxes

When a G coordinate value is specified either above or below the terrain model, a ground line indicator box is displayed to indicate the new model terrain line for that pole.

For example, if new terrain is above existing model terrain:

And if new terrain is below existing model terrain:

Set the ground line indicator box threshold

This is the minimum threshold height for which the ground line box will appear in the Perspective view. Select Project / Design settings from the menu and modify it on the popup:

Any ground line indicator boxes of height less than this value will be hidden from view, ie if you have a box height of 1m in your design and set the threshold value to be 1.1 then the box will not be shown.

To hide all ground line indicator boxes in the Perspective view, set to a very large value such as 1000.

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