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Overview of measuring clearances

Measure ground and inter-object clearances

Updated over 11 months ago

Measure ground clearance

Clearance lines

The simplest method is to add clearance lines to ensure conductors stay above a minimum height.

In the project, select Clearances from the menu to configure one or more clearance lines. In this case one blue clearance line has been set:

which is reflected in the Profile view:

Ground Clearance Measure tool

Select the Ground Clearance Measure tool on the toolbar, and hover over any individual conductor:

The worst-case ground clearance for each Environment will be displayed in the Properties tab:

For more information and examples, see Measure ground clearance

Measure inter-conductor and other clearances

Clearance Measure tool

Measure the minimum distance in 3D between any two conductor spans, or between other objects in the Perspective view such as obstructions, poles, point cloud points, and more using the Clearance Measure tool:

Select the tool on the toolbar, and then left-click on an object, and hover over the object that you want to measure the distance to.

They will highlighted and a magenta line will be drawn between them with the clearance measurement. The distance will also shown in the Properties tab

For more information and examples, see Measure conductor and point-to-point clearances

Inter-conductor clearance

Select the Clearance Measure tool, and then select a pair of conductor segments to show their distance.

The tool allows you to select of individual cables within a conductor, for all possible environment variations. This means it's possible to select a 75 degree hot cable from one conductor and compare it to a 5 degree cold cable from another.

The tool should be used in the Perspective view to model the full 3D cable positions

Point cloud clearance

You can use this tool to measure the distance between individual point cloud points and other objects in 3D (including other point cloud points) in the Perspective view.

This is useful to assess distances between vegetation and other objects in your network model captured from LiDAR scans.

See the point cloud clearance measurement examples in How auto-classifier pipeline denoising presets work

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